Friday, April 20, 2012

Data Recording Black Boxes Likely in All Cars by 2015: Senate Passes Bill

car-recorder Black boxes in cars? We’ve reported on it before, but a bill requiring such devices has recently passed the U.S. Senate and is expected to fare the same in the House.

If it goes all the way, cars built after 2015 will all have tattlers to give specific information on a car’s activity. If implemented, the devices are meant to be used by emergency responders during an accident, but the applications are far from limited to those incidents.

Some are worried that installing such devices offer unprecedented invasions of privacy, bordering on big brother level surveillance of everyday citizens. Going to the wrong place, or driving the wrong way could flag you for suspicious activity (in theory).

Then again, the boxes could solve certain social issues like police profiling. An officer pulling someone over without just cause would have a much harder time explaining the decision in court if a black box could prove the individual wasn’t speeding or behaving erratically.

If Bill 1813 passes, we could all start seeing a shift to a more monitored society, that is unless you buy a used car.

Auto Guide