Monday, April 30, 2012

Ford Spain Makes its Used Cars Smell New

Ford-New-Car-Smell Car buyers might love the idea of purchasing their cars new, but pre-owned vehicles that are dealer-certified are a great way to get the next best thing. However, Ford Spain’s certified used cars get more than just a multi-point inspection: they are guaranteed to smell new. Today’s Feature Flick shows you exactly how it’s done.

Ford Spain teamed with advertising house Bassat Ogilvy Madrid, which commissioned olfactory experts to design a perfumed spray that smells like the iconic new car smell. Then it printed thousands of scented advertisements, hung some samples from subway handbars, and sent ambassadors out into the street with bottles of the spray.

The result, Ford says, is a fleet of cars that smell like new, even though they’re not. To make the deal even sweeter, dealers even have a contract that guarantees a buyer’s used car will smell new, minus the notoriously toxic chemicals used to create the smell. Check out the video below and let us know what you think.

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